Every year, in Italy, thousands of foreign citizens are kept inside the identification and expulsion centers because they lack a regular residency permit.
They may be kept there up to a year and a half without being guilty of a crime and without being convicted by a judge. Administrative detention in Europe is the extreme consequence of the operation of the borders inside the Schengen area. For the very first time in Italy, the Home office has authorized the access of a film crew to the Identification and Expulsion Centers. Finally, the wall of silence surrounding these centers and the people kept inside, has opened up, for our short visit, as an exception. But it was soon after closed in its daily indifference.
Ogni anno migliaia di cittadini stranieri senza un regolare permesso di soggiorno sono trattenuti all’interno dei Centri di Identificazione ed Espulsione (ex C.I.E. oggi C.P.R.), dove pos sono rimanere per mesi senza aver commesso alcun reato. La detenzione amministrativa e i C.I.E. in Europa sono la conseguenza estrema del funzionamento delle frontiere all’interno dell’area Schengen.
Original Title: EU 013, L’ultima Frontiera
Length: 62 min
Country: Italy
Year: 2013
Directed by: Alessio Genovese
Subject and realization: Raffaella Cosentino e Alessio Genovese
Photography: Bruno Fundarò
Sound: Andrea Colaiacomo
Editing: Dario Indelicato
Original music: Alessandro Libroi
Sound editor: Gianluca Stazi
Graphic: Matteo Mangonara
Festivals: International Film Festival of Rotterdam, Festival dei Popoli.
Supported by: Open Society Foundation